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Aantal gevonden boeken: 820

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German Army Handbook of 1918
James Beach
€ 15,00
German Bombers of World War One
Alex Imrie
€ 8,00
German Poets of the First World War
Patrick Bridgwater
€ 45,00
German Prisoners in Great Britain
diverse auteurs
€ 45,00
Germany After the First World War
Richard Bessel
€ 10,00
Germany in the Great War: Western Front First Year. Neuve Chapelle, First Ypres, Loos
Joshua Bilton
€ 10,00
Germany in the Great WarL The Opening Year. Mobilisation, the Advance and Naval Warfare
Joshua Bilton
€ 10,00
Geschiedenis van den Wereldoorlog 1914-1918
Dr. H. Brugmans
€ 25,00
Gewond: van het slagveld naar het militair hospitaal
Emily Mayhew
€ 12,50
Ghosts of Old Companions. Lloyd George's Welsh Army, the Kaiser's Reichsheer and the Battle for Mametz Wood, 1914-1916
Jonathon Riley
€ 20,00
Givenchy in the Great War. A Village on the Front Line 1914 - 1918
Phil Tomaselli
€ 15,00
Grasping Gallipoli. Terrain, Maps and Failure at the Dardanelles, 1915
Peter Chasseaud e.a.
€ 12,50
Great Battles of World War I. Stunning 3-dimensional graphics recreate the most important battles of World War I, from Passchendaele to the Argonne
Anthony Livesey
€ 20,00
Great Britain and the War of 1914-1918
E.L. Woodward
€ 8,00
Great Britain's Great War. A Sympathetic History of Our Gravest Folly
Jeremy Paxman
€ 12,50
Great War Britain. Exeter Remembering 1914-18
David Parker
€ 8,00
Great War Speeches
Sir Winston Churchill
€ 6,50
Great War. The Countdown to Global Conflict
Ian Welch
€ 10,00
Green Balls. The Adventures of a Night Bomber
Paul Bewsher
€ 10,00
Groot-Brittanje's Maatregelen tegen Duitschland's Handel, rede uitgesproken door The Right Hon. Sir E. Grey in het Lagerhuis uitgesproken op 26 januari 1916
Sir E. Grey
€ 6,00
Gu Xingqing: mijn herinneringen als tolk voor de Chinese arbeiders in WOI
Gu Xingqing
€ 10,00
Guerre = War = Krieg: 1916, la bataille de la Somme, un espace mondial = 1916, the battle of the Somme, a World arena = 1916, die Schlacht an der Somme, ein Raum der Welt
Stéphane Audouin-Rouzeau
€ 9,00
Guerre = War = Krieg: 1916, la bataille de la Somme, un espace mondial = 1916, the battle of the Somme, a World arena = 1916, die Schlacht an der Somme, ein Raum der Welt
Stéphane Audouin-Rouzeau
€ 9,00
Haig's Command. A Reassessment
Dennis Winter
€ 8,00
Haig's Command: A Reassessment
Denis Winter
€ 8,00
Haig's Command: Earl Haig and the Background to the First World War
Denis Winter
€ 10,00
Haig's Medical Officer. The Papers of Colonel Eugene 'Micky' Ryan CMG DSO RAMC
Eugene P. Ryan e.a.
€ 12,50
Halbmond und Kaiseradler: Goeben und Breslau am Bosporus, 1914-1918
Bernd Langensiepen e.a.
€ 30,00
Hall of Mirrors
David Sinclair
€ 10,00
Hand-To-Hand Fighting: A System of Personal Defence for the Soldier (1918)
A.E. Marriott
€ 6,00
Happy Days! A Humorous Narrative in Drawings of the Progress of American Arms 1917-1919
Alban B. Butler Jr.
€ 12,50
He who dared and died. The life and death of a SAS original: Sergeant Chris O'Dowd, MM
Gearoid O' Dowd
€ 10,00
Het dramatische jaar 1916. Alles stond stil
Henk van der Linden e.a.
€ 12,50
Het kielzog van de oorlog. Het menselijk wrakhout van het slagveld, gezien door een Amerikaanse hospitaalverpleegster
Ellen La Motte
€ 6,00
Het Nederlandsch eskader in Oost-Indië 1914-1916 benevens enige beschouwingen over onze marine
F. Bauduin
€ 10,00
Het Vrijwillig Militair Automobiel Korps. Naar verschillende gegevens verzameld en bewerkt door W. Zweerts de Jong, kapitein V.M.A.K.
W. Zweerts de Jong
€ 95,00
High Altars. The Battle-Fields of France and Flanders as I saw Them
John Oxenham
€ 8,00
Histoire illustrée de la Guerre Aérienne (1914-1918) (2 volumes)
J. Mortane
€ 200,00
History of the First World War
B.H. Liddell Hart
€ 10,00
History of the First World War
B.H. Liddell Hart
€ 8,00
History of the War in the Air 1914-1918. Illustrated Edition
Walter Raleigh
€ 15,00
Hitler's First War: Adolf Hitler, the Men of the List Regiment, and the First World War
Thomas Weber
€ 10,00
Hitler's First War: Adolf Hitler, the Men of the List Regiment, and the First World War
Thomas Weber
€ 10,00
Home Fires Burning: The Great War Diaries of Georgina Lee, 1914-1919
Gavin Roynon
€ 9,00
Hoop op toekomst. Belgische vluchtelingen in Nederland
Ingeborg Kriegsman
€ 6,00
Horseman, Pass by: The Australian Light Horse in World War I
Lindsay Baly
€ 15,00
Horses of the Great War. The Story in Art
John Fairley
€ 15,00
Hospital Ships & Troop Transport of the First World War
Campbell McCutcheon
€ 10,00
Humorous Scottish War Stories
Allan Junior
€ 15,00
I was there
Gordo Wood
€ 10,00
Ik beschuldig! (J'accuse!). Door een Duitscher
Fred. Van Eeden
€ 8,00
Ik Denk Altijd Aan Jou. Prentbriefkaarten tussen front en thuisfront 1914 - 1918
Hans van Lith
€ 10,00
Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18
€ 30,00
Im Flugzeuge gegen England und andere Flieger-Geschichten
Georg Müller-Heim
€ 45,00
Images de la bataille de Verdun
J.H. Lefebvre
€ 10,00
Imperial War Museum Review No. 7: El Alamein Revisited. Historical articles from Britain's Museum of Twentieth Century Conflict
Suzanne Bardgett
€ 8,00
In den Tod - Hurra! Deutsche Jugend-Regimenter im Ersten Weltkrieg. Ein historischer Tatsachenbericht über Langemarck
Helmut Kopetzky
€ 10,00
In Flanders Fields: Passchendaele 1917
Leon Wolff
€ 15,00
In Flanders Fields: The 1917 Campaign
Leon Wolff
€ 8,00
In moeilijke omstandigheden aug. 1914 - mei 1917
N. Bosboom
€ 15,00
In the Shadow of Hell. Ypres Sector 1914-1918. Behind the lines in Poperinghe
Paul Chapman e.a.
€ 10,00
In the Wake of War: 'Les Anciens Combattants' and French Society 1914-1939
Antoine Prost
€ 20,00
Indian Cavalry Officer, 1914-15
Captain Roly Grimshaw
€ 12,50
Inniskilling Diaries 1899-1903
Martin Cassidy
€ 8,00
Into Battle. A Seventeen-Year-Old Joins Kitchener's Army
E.W. Parker
€ 8,00
Invasion 14
Maxence van der Meersch
€ 10,00
Ireland and the First World War
David Fitzpatrick
€ 12,50
Jacka's Mob: 14th Battalion AIF, the Classic Narrative of Edgar Rule
Carl Johnson e.a.
€ 20,00
Jane's Fighting Aircraft of World War I
Fred T. Jane
€ 10,00
Johnny. The Legend and Tragedy of General Sir Ian Hamilton
John Philip Jones
€ 10,00
Journey to the Trenches: Life of Isaac Rosenberg, 1890-1918
Joseph Cohen
€ 8,00
Kamerad im Westen. Ein Bericht in 221 Bildern *from the collection of ARMANDO*
Helmuth Theodor Bossert
€ 20,00
Kanttekeningen bij de Eerste Wereldoorlog J.H.J. Andriessen en de grote oorlog
Anton Kruft
€ 10,00
Karlsruher Kinder im "Dritten Reich"
Anne Reuter-Rautenberg e.a.
€ 8,00
King and Country Call: New Zealanders, Conscription and the Great War
Paul Baker
€ 20,00
Kitchener's Lost Boys: From the Playing Fields to the Killing Fields
John Oakes
€ 10,00
Kitchener's Men. The King's Own Royal Lancasters on the Western Front 1915-1918
John Hutton
€ 12,50
Kitchener's War British: Strategy from 1914-1916
George H. Cassar
€ 15,00
Knights of the Air: Canadian Fighter Pilots in the First World War
David Bashow
€ 20,00
Knights of the Black Cross: German fighter aces of the First World War
Terry C. Treadwell
€ 20,00
Köln 1914: Metropole im Westen
Petra Hesse e.a.
€ 15,00
Krieg Ieper, het martyrium van 14/18 door Duitse ogen
Richard Heijster
€ 12,50
Krieg in den Alpen 1915-1918 (3 volumes)
Heinz Lichem
€ 45,00
Kut: The Death of an Army
Ronald Millar
€ 10,00
Kut: The Death of an Army
Ronlad Millar
€ 15,00
L'Album de la Guerre: Histoire Photographique et Documentaire Reconstituee Chronologiquement a l'Aide de Cliches et de Dessins Publies par "L'Illustration" de 1914 a 1921 (2 volumes)
Georges Lecomte
€ 150,00
La Bataille de Verdun. Avec 8 cartes, et 18 gravures et 1 annexe
Marechal Petain
€ 15,00
La batalle de Verdun. De l'argonne a la woevre. Historique, circuits touristiques
Yves Buffetaut
€ 15,00
La plus grande bataille de l'histoire racontée par les survivants. Verdun
Jacques Henri Lefebvre
€ 9,00
La Vie quotidienne des soldats pendant la grande guerre
Jacques Meyer
€ 9,00
Langemarck. Legende und Wiklichkeit
Karl Unruh
€ 8,00
Larousse de la Grande Guerre
Bruno Cabanes e.a.
€ 12,50
Laurence Attwell's Letters from the Front
W.A. Attwell
€ 12,50
Le guide de la première guerre mondiale des flandres à l'alsace
Serge Barcellini
€ 9,00
Leben mit dem Feind: Amsterdam unter deutscher Besatzung 1940-1945
Barbara Beuys
€ 10,00
Legend, Memory, and the Great War in the Air
D.A. Pisano e.a.
€ 12,50
Les hommes de la Grande guerre: Histoires vraies
Pierre Miquel
€ 5,00
Les Sociétés européennes et la guerre de 1914-1918: Actes du colloque organisé à Nanterre et à Amiens du 8 au 11 décembre 1988
Jean-Jacques Becker
€ 60,00
Letters and News from the Trenches and the Home Front
Robert Hamilton
€ 8,00
Letters From A Lost Generation. First World War Letters of Vera Brittain and Four Friends
Alan Bishop e.a.
€ 8,00
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