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Categorie Geschiedenis Europa

Aantal gevonden boeken: 2.256

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Pirate Nation. Elizabeth I and Her Royal Sea Rovers
David Childs
€ 12,50
Napoleon's shield and Guardian. The Unconquerable General Daumesnil
Edward Ryan
€ 12,50
Britain Overseas. The Empire in Picture and Story
J. Edward Parrott
€ 12,50
From East Europeans to Europeans: Shifting Identities and Boundaries in the New Europe
Piotr Sztompka
€ 5,00
Florence Nightingale
Cecil Woodham-Smith
€ 5,00
Het oude Europa en het onze
Jacques le Goff
€ 5,00
Die Hohenzollern und das Reich. Von der Gründung des Brandenburgisch-Preußischen Staates bis zur Wiederherstellung des Deutschen Kaisertums (4 volumes)
Fedor von Köppen
€ 80,00
Otto von Bismarck. Fürst Bismarck der deutsche Reichskanzler. Ein Zeit-und Lebensbild für das deutsche Volk
F. von Köppen
€ 40,00
Die Bastei in der Sächsischen Schweiz. Festschrift zur Hundertjährigen Jubelfeier Ihres Eintritts in die Geschichte am 29. Mai 1897
Dr. Oskar Lehmann
€ 45,00
Paris et les Parisiens au XIXe Siècle: Moeurs, Arts et Monuments Illustrations par MM. Eugene Lami, Gavarni et Rouargue
Alexandre Dumas e.a.
€ 60,00
Europäische Dokumente. Historische Photos aus den Jahren 1840 - 1900
Wolfgang Schade
€ 10,00
Leonard da Vinci and a memory of his childhood
Sigmund Freud
€ 5,00
The real Lloyd George
A.J. Sylvester
€ 10,00
Historias de Londres
Enric González
€ 10,00
De kleren van de keizer. Rituelen en media in de tijd van Karel de Grote
Mariëlle Hageman
€ 8,00
Aachen, Aachener Verlags- u. Druckerei-Gesellschaft
€ 10,00
Devon Epitaphs
Michael Weller
€ 6,00
Did You Know? Torbay & The South Hams. A Miscellany
Julia Skinner
€ 5,00
Sweet William or the Butcher? The Duke of Cumberland and the '45
Jonathan Oates
€ 15,00
Tudor and Stuart Seafarers. The Emergence of a Maritime Nation, 1485-1707
James Davey
€ 17,50
Fighting Napoleon. The Recollections of Lieutenant John Hildebrand 35th Foot in the Mediterranean and Waterloo Campaigns
Gareth Glover
€ 12,50
An Alternative History of Britain. The English Civil War
Timothy Venning
€ 12,50
The Campaign of Waterloo. The Classic Account of Napoleon's Last Battles
Sir John Fortescue
€ 12,50
Mededelingen van de Stichting Jacob Campo Weyerman (31 afleveringen)
A. Baggerman e.a.
€ 75,00
Europe Since 1870: An International History
James Joll
€ 5,00
Transition and Revolution. Problems and Issues of European Renaissance and Reformation History
Robert M. Kingdon
€ 8,00
Pastors and Parishioners in Württemberg During the Late Reformation 1581-1621
Bruce Tolley
€ 25,00
De herroeping van het Edict van Nantes (1685) in de Franse en Nedrelandse geschiedschrijving
A. Th. van Deursen
€ 6,00
Henry VIII, the League of Schmalkalden, and the English Reformation
Rory McEntegart
€ 12,50
Autobiography in Seventeenth-Century England
Dean Ebner
€ 8,00
Journal 1675-1692
Jacques Flournoy
€ 30,00
Anachronisme en historisch besef. Momenten uit de ontwikkeling van het Europees Historisch Bewustzijn
P.B.M. Blaas
€ 9,00
Stratégies Journalistiques de L'Ancien Régime. Les Prefaces des "Journaux de Hollande" 1684-1764
Hans Bots e.a.
€ 30,00
Geschichte im Blick: Historische Spuren an der Humboldt-Universität
Cristoph Jahr
€ 12,50
Images of discord. A graphic interpretation of the opening decades of the Eighty Years' war
James Tanis e.a.
€ 8,00
Sir Thomas Browne and the Republic of Letters
R.J. Schoek
€ 12,50
Etiamsi daremus. Studi sinfonici sul diritto naturale
Franco Todescan
€ 10,00
Reformation Europe. New approaches to European History
Ulinka Rublack
€ 10,00
Great issues in western civilization. Since 1500: From Martin Luther through the Cold War
Brian Tierney e.a.
€ 8,00
Het verderf van Parijs
Raf de Bont e.a.
€ 65,00
Age of Liberty: Social Upheaval, History Writing, and the New Public Sphere in Sweden, 1740-1792
Peter Hallberg
€ 100,00
Inquisizione spagnola e riformismo borbonico fra Sette e Ottocento. Il dibattito europeo sulla soppressione del "terrible monstre"
Vittorio Sciuti Russi
€ 30,00
Early French and German Defenses of Freedom of the Press: Elie Luzac's Essay on Freedom of Expression (1749) and Carl Friedrich Bahrdt's On Freedom of the Press and its Limits (1787) in English Translation
John Christian Laursen e.a.
€ 100,00
Die Niederlande und Deutschland. Nachbarn in Europa
Joachim F.E. Bläsing e.a.
€ 20,00
Resl von Konnersreuth (1898-1962). Eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung zum Werdegang, zur Wirkung und Verehrung einer Volksheiligen
Joachim Seeger
€ 35,00
Manifestations of Discontent in German on the Eve of the Reformation
Gerald Strauss
€ 10,00
Das Milieu des Verdachts. Akademische Freiheit, Politikgestaltung und die Emergenz der Denunziation in Universitatsstadten des 18. Jahrhunderts *SIGNED*
Holger Zaunstöck
€ 80,00
The Struggle for Sovereignty. Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts (2 volumes)
Joyce L. Malcolm
€ 20,00
Storie italiane. Romantische geschiedcultuur tussen stedelijke traditie en nationaal besef. Milaan en Florence, 1800-1848
Asker Pelgrom
€ 45,00
Ablehnung - Duldung - Anerkennung. Toleranz in den Niederlanden und in Deutschland. Ein historischer und aktueller Vergleich
Horst Lademacher e.a.
€ 150,00
The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation
Alister E. McGrath
€ 8,00
Historische Mitteilungen. Band 22 - 2009
Jürgen Elvert e.a.
€ 30,00
Prosperity and Plunder: European Catholic Monasteries in the Age of Revolution, 1650-1815
Derek Beales
€ 80,00
England. Its people, polity, and pursuits
T.H.S. Escott
€ 20,00
Die vorneogene Stratigraphie der Normalsedimentaren Formationen Griechenlands + Ergänzungsheft
Carl Renz
€ 150,00
Verspreide Geschriften. Deel VI: Boekaankondigingen, verscheidenheden, registers en bibliographie.
C. Snouck Hurgronje
€ 15,00
Why Malta? Why Ghawdex? A study on the origin of the names of these islands and of their towns and villages, together with a history of each parish in these islands.
Dunstan. G. Bellanti
€ 17,50
Portugal. From its Origin through the Roman Era
Luis - a.o. Raposo
€ 12,50
Prehistoric Crete
R.W. Hutchinson
€ 5,00
Alexander the Great and the Middle East
A.R. Burn
€ 5,00
Gilles de Rais. De moordenaar en de mythe
Dr. D.A. Berents
€ 6,00
The complaint of the inhabitants of the Island of Guernzey (1690)
G. Stevens Cox
€ 10,00
Tales and Legends from Chios
Maria Fafalios
€ 10,00
Europa en de verlichting
Hector Bianciotti
€ 6,00
Justus Perthes Geschichtsatlas Taschenatlas zur mittleren, neueren und neuesten Geschichte (bis zum Eintritt Deutschlands in den Volkerbund). 24 Karten in Kupferstich und 52 Seiten tabellarischer Text
Max Georg Schmidt
€ 12,50
De verdrijving der Joden uit Spanje
Valeriu Marcu
€ 5,00
Domestic Affairs. Intimacy, Eroticism, and Violence between Servants and Masters in Eighteenth-Century Britain
Kristina Straub
€ 15,00
De Europese monarchie in de 19e eeuw. Het Duitse en Britse model
Jaap van Osta
€ 8,00
The Measure of Reality. Quantification in Western Europe, 1250-1600
Alfred W. Crosby
€ 15,00
Les fêtes en Europe au 18e sìecle
Edmond Pilon e.a.
€ 10,00
Opstand der burgers. De Franse Revolutie na 200 jaar
S.W. Couwenberg
€ 5,00
Evelyne Lever
€ 17,50
Revolutie en contrarevolutie. Frankrijk 1789-1815
Donald M.G. Sutherland
€ 8,00
Louis XVI
Louis Hardman
€ 10,00
Louis XVI. Le pouvoir et la fatalité
Eric le Nabour
€ 10,00
Marie-Antoinette and Count Fersen - The Untold Love Story
Evelyn Farr
€ 10,00
Secrète Madame de Pompadour
Jacques Levron
€ 9,00
Harold Nicolson
€ 10,00
Een vorstelijk Imago. Het beeld van de Heerser sedert Antoon van Dyck / A royal Image. The image of the Sovereign since Sir Anthony Van Dyck
Jan Walgrave
€ 12,50
Europe in Vienna. The Congress of Vienna 1814/15
Agnes Husslein-Arco e.a.
€ 30,00
The Black Ship
Dudley Pope
€ 8,00
River Ouse Bargeman. A Lifetime on the Yorkshire Ouse
David Lewis
€ 15,00
Unsolved East Anglian Murders
Jonathan Sutherland e.a.
€ 10,00
Unsolved Murders in South Yorkshire
Scott C. Lomax
€ 10,00
Despatches from the Crimea
William Howard Russell
€ 15,00
Marston Moor. English Civil War - July 1644
David Clark
€ 10,00
Fixer and Fighter. The Life of Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, 1170 - 1243
Brian Harwood
€ 12,50
De Elephant Man. De ware geschiedenis van het Engelse "gedrocht" Jospeh Carey Merrick (1862-1890)
Michael Howell e.a.
€ 5,00
Black Death. Then and There Series
Derek Turner
€ 5,00
Het Speurend oog van Leonardo
Ritchie Calder
€ 8,00
The inventions of Leonardo da Vinci
Charles Gibbs-Smith
€ 6,00
Leonardo the scientist
Carlo Zammattio
€ 6,00
The Mitford Girls. The Biography Of An Extraordinary Family
Mary S. Lovell
€ 10,00
Elizabeth Longford
€ 10,00
Albion. A guide to legendary Britain
Jennifer Westwood
€ 10,00
De Middellandse Zee. Een persoonlijke geschiedenis
Fik Meijer
€ 8,00
Legendary History & Folklore of Stonehenge
L.V. Grinsell
€ 7,00
Les Celtes et l'expansion celtique. Jusqu'a l'epoque de La Tène
Henri Hubert
€ 5,00
The Dream and the Tomb: A History of the Crusades
Robert Payne
€ 10,00
Schroders. Merchants & Bankers
Richard Roberts
€ 20,00
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