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Categorie WO II

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Sorteer op: Auteur | Titel | Prijs | Datum toegevoegd
The Approaching Storm. One Woman's Story of Germany, 1934-1938
Nora Waln
€ 20,00
Fluchtpunkt 1941: Kontinuitäten der deutschen Geschichte
Helmut Walser Smith
€ 8,00
Stalingrad: The Infernal Cauldron, 1942-1943
Stephen Walsh
€ 8,00
Die 12. SS-Panzer-Division HJ: Eine Dokumentation in Wort und Bild
Herbert Walther
€ 20,00
Die 12. SS-Panzerdivision HJ
Herbert Walther
€ 10,00
Die 12. SS-Panzerdivision HJ
Herbert Walther
€ 10,00
Journey to Arnhem: The Story of John Collier
Helen Walton
€ 10,00
The Sphinx: Franklin Roosevelt, the Isolationists, and the Road to World War II
Nicholas Wapshott
€ 12,50
Jaar der Vergelding
G. Ward Price
€ 10,00
Resisting the Nazi Invader
Arthur Ward
€ 10,00
Resisting the Nazi Invader
Arthur Ward
€ 15,00
1 Group Bomber Command. An Operational Record
Chris Ward
€ 12,50
3 Group Bomber Command: An Operational Record
Chris Ward e.a.
€ 15,00
The War: an Intimate History, 1941-1945
Geoffrey C. Ward e.a.
€ 12,50
Luftwaffe Colour Schemes & Markings 1939-45: Mainly Winter Schemes
Richard Ward
€ 17,50
The Dutch under German occupation, 1940-1945
Werner Warmbrunn
€ 30,00
Alamein: Recollections of the Heroes
Philip Warner
€ 10,00
Philip Warner
€ 12,50
Secret Forces of World War II
Philip Warner
€ 8,00
Alexander 334-323 BC: Conquest of the Persian Empire
John Warry
€ 8,00
Secret War in Shanghai
Bernard Wasserstein
€ 9,00
Prisoners of the Japanese in World War II: Statistical History, Personal Narratives and Memorials Concerning POWs in Camps and on Hellships, Civilian Internees, Asian Slave Laborers and Others Captured in the Pacific Theater
Van Waterford
€ 100,00
How War Came: The Immediate Origins of the Second World War
Donald Cameron Watt
€ 15,00
Gedenkboek van het "Oranjehotel": Celmuren spreken; Gevangenen getuigen; Onze gevallen verzetshelden
E.P. Weber
€ 15,00
Hitlers erster Krieg: Der Gefreite Hitler im Weltkrieg. Mythos und Wahrheit
Thomas Weber
€ 10,00
Lodz Ghetto Album: Photographs by Henryk Ross
Thomas Weber
€ 30,00
The Burma Road: The Epic Story of One of World War II's Most Remarkable Endeavours
Donovan Webster
€ 10,00
Gevangen Beeld. Levensverhaal van Piet Klaver, ondernemende gevangene in Hitler's tuchthuis
Jos van der Wedden-Klaver
€ 10,00
World War II: Small Arms
John Weeks
€ 12,50
Airborne Equipment
John S. Weeks
€ 8,00
Selbstbesinnung und Selbstkritik. Erfahrungen und Gedanken eines Deutschen. Aufgeschrieben im Winter 1942/43 in der Haft in Schweden
Herbert Wehner
€ 8,00
Marten Toonder: tekenaar in oorlogstijd
Joost van de Weijer
€ 6,00
Marten Toonder: tekenaar in oorlogstijd
Joost van de Weijer
€ 6,00
Marten Toonder: tekenaar in oorlogstijd
Joost van de Weijer
€ 6,00
Germany, Hitler, and World War II: Essays in Modern German and World History
Gerhard L. Weinberg
€ 15,00
Last Flight of the Luftwaffe: The Suicide Attack on the Eighth Air Force, 7 April 1945
Adrian Weir
€ 8,00
Ideology of Death. Why the Holocaust Happened in Germany
John Weiss
€ 12,50
Justice Matters: Legacies of the Holocaust and World War II
Mona Sue Weissmark
€ 15,00
Auf verlorenem Posten: Erinnerungen an den Zweiten Weltkrieg
Anton Weissteiner
€ 10,00
Beleidshandreiking beheer en behoud oorlogsmonumenten
Drs. Niels Weitkamp
€ 8,00
American Nightingale: The Story of Frances Slanger, Forgotten Heroine of Normandy
Bob Welch
€ 10,00
The Hitler Conspiracies: Secrets and Lies Behind the Rise and Fall of the Nazi Party
David Welch
€ 8,00
The Time for Decision
Summer Welles
€ 9,00
SAS with the Maquis: in Action with the French Resistance June-September 1944
Ian Wellsted
€ 15,00
Nederlandse Arbeidsdienst: De liefde tot zijn land is ieder aangeboren. . .
F. F. van der Werf
€ 15,00
Tropenadel: programma toneeluitvoering op 11 Dec. 1948 in het Gebouw "De Vereniging" Willemstraat
Henri van Wermeskerken
€ 9,00
Through the eyes of innocents: children witness World War II
Emmy E. Werner
€ 8,00
Through The Eyes Of Innocents: Children Witness World War II
Emmy E. Werner
€ 8,00
Oorlogsbrieven (1940-1945) van Johannes Bernardus Wesselingh (1863-1943); Johannes Theodorus Wesselingh (1893-1987) aan Franciscus Petrus Wesselingh (1903-1977)
Anton Wesselingh e.a.
€ 15,00
An' it's Called a Tam-o'-shanter
Kenneth West
€ 20,00
British Territorial Units, 1914-18
Ray Westlake e.a.
€ 8,00
Condor Legion: The Wehrmacht's Training Ground
Ian Westwell
€ 10,00
Condor Legion: The Wehrmacht's Training Ground
Ian Westwell
€ 10,00
US Rangers 'Leading The Way'
Ian Westwell
€ 7,00
US Rangers 'Leading The Way'
Ian Westwell
€ 7,00
Allied Special Forces
Ian Westwell e.a.
€ 12,50
The Last Flight of Bomber 31: Harrowing Tales of American and Japanese Pilots Who Fought in World War II's Arctic Air Campaign
Ralph Wetterhahn
€ 12,50
The Setting of the Pearl: Vienna Under Hitler
Thomas Weyr
€ 10,00
The Setting of the Pearl: Vienna Under Hitler
Thomas Weyr
€ 10,00
Gestapo V-Leute. Tatsachen und Theorie des Geheimdienstes. Untersuchungen zur Geheimen Staatspolizei während der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft
Walter Otto Weyrauch
€ 5,00
An erksome war
Lawrence Wheatley
€ 6,50
Germany 1944: A British Soldier's Pocketbook
Charles Wheeler
€ 6,00
Whicker's War
Alan Whicker
€ 10,00
Corsican Command: A First-hand Account of Clandestine Operations in the Western Mediterranean
Patrick Whinney
€ 8,00
Target Eisenhower: Military and Political Assassinations in WWII
Charles Whitin
€ 8,00
'44: In Combat from Normandy to the Ardennes
Charles Whiting
€ 10,00
'44: In Combat from Normandy to the Ardennes
Charles Whiting
€ 15,00
'44: The combat on the western front from Normandy to the Ardennes
Charles Whiting
€ 10,00
'45: The final drive from the Rhine to the Baltic
Charles Whiting
€ 10,00
A traveller's guide to The Battle for the German Frontier
Charles Whiting
€ 8,00
Ardennes: The Secret War
Charles Whiting
€ 8,00
Bloody Aachen
Charles Whiting
€ 15,00
Bounce the Rhine
Charles Whiting
€ 12,50
Bounce the Rhine
Charles Whiting
€ 8,00
Ghost Front: The Ardennes Before the Battle of the Bulge - The story of America's worst intelligence blunder of World War II
Charles Whiting
€ 10,00
Hunters from the Sky: The German Parachute Corps, 1940-1945
Charles Whiting
€ 8,00
Hunters from the Sky: The German Parachute Corps, 1940-1945
Charles Whiting
€ 8,00
Hunters from the Sky: The German Parachute Corps, 1940-1945, with a new preface
Charles Whiting
€ 8,00
Hunters from the Sky: The German Parachute Corps, 1940-1945, with a new preface
Charles Whiting
€ 8,00
Paths of Death and Glory. The Last Days of the Third Reich
Charles Whiting
€ 8,00
Siegfried: The Nazis' Last Stand
Charles Whiting
€ 8,00
Siegfried: The Nazis' Last Stand
Charles Whiting
€ 8,00
The Great German Escape. Uprising of Hitler's Nazis in Britain's POW Camps
Charles Whiting
€ 12,50
The march on London: covert operations in the Battle of the Bulge, December 1944
Charles Whiting
€ 6,00
De Duitsche zeemacht
Kapitein ter zee b.d. Widenmann
€ 8,00
Route '40 - '45: Een reis langs het Nederlandse oorlogsverleden
Jeroen Wielaert
€ 6,00
Operation Freshman: The Rjukan Heavy Water Raid, 1942
Richard Wiggan
€ 25,00
Vrij Zwolle: Herinneringen aan de historische aprildagen van 1945
D. Wijnbeek
€ 8,00
Zo lang wij leven: fragmenten uit de verzetsgeschiedenis van de Veluwezoom
Harry van Wijnen e.a.
€ 6,00
Frank Wilders
€ 15,00
Der Krieg in Italien 1943-1945
Helmut Wilhelmsmeyer
€ 25,00
The Gunners at Arnhem
Peter Wilkinson
€ 80,00
The Gunners at Arnhem
Peter Wilkinson
€ 80,00
On the run: A Dutch Boy Rescues an American Pilot in Occupied Holland *SIGNED*
Casey Willems
€ 10,00
Rendez-vous in de Russian tearooms. Het onbekende verhaal van een van de grootste spionage-operaties uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog
Paul Willets
€ 7,50
Armoured Horseman. With the Bays and the Eighth Army in North Africa and Italy
Peter Willett
€ 12,50
D-Day to Berlin
Andrew Williams
€ 12,50
The Battle of the Atlantic : The Allies' Submarine Fight Against Hitler's Gray Wolves of the Sea
Andrew Williams
€ 10,00
Lifeline Across the Sea. Mercy Ships of the Second World War and their Repatriation Missions
David L. Williams
€ 8,50
Knight's Cross and Oak-Leaves Recipients 1939-40
Gordon Williamson
€ 8,00
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