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Categorie Geschiedenis Afrika

Aantal gevonden boeken: 107

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Empire and Espionage Spies in the Zulu War
Stephen Wade
€ 12,50
Wade, Stephen
€ 12,50
Cook's Handbook for Egypt and the Sudan. With Chapters on Egyptian Archaeology.
Litt. D. Wallis Budge
€ 65,00
Wallis Budge, Litt. D., Sir E.A.
€ 65,00
The Bushmen
Alf Wannenburgh
€ 12,50
Wannenburgh, Alf (tect) & Johnson, P. & Bannister, A (photography)
€ 12,50
Dervish : The Rise and Fall of an African Empire
Philip Warner
€ 8,00
Warner, Philip
€ 8,00
Dervish: the Rise and Fall of an African Empire
Philip Warner
€ 12,50
Warner, Philip
€ 12,50
Verdeel en heers. De deling van Afrika 1880-1914
H.L. Wesseling
€ 8,00
Wesseling, H.L.
€ 8,00
Van Hertogen en Kongolezen: Tervuren en de Koloniale Tentoonstelling 1897
Maurits Wynants
€ 20,00
Wynants, Maurits
€ 20,00