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Categorie Film, Cinema & TV

Aantal gevonden boeken: 389

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Het cabaret van Kopspijkers. Kopstukken uit meer dan 100 weken nieuws
Owen Schumacher
€ 6,00
Kijkshock 3: 9 Music Animations + DVD
Sjeng Schupp e.a.
€ 10,00
Hanna Schygulla: Bilder aus Filmen von Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Mit einem autobiographischen Text von Hanna Schygulla und einem Beitrag von Rainer Werner Fassbinde
Hanna Schygulla e.a.
€ 8,00
Epic! History on the Big Screen
Baird Searles
€ 15,00
The Oliver Stone Experience
Matt Zoller Seitz
€ 25,00
Adieu Audrey. Memories of Audrey Hepburn
Klaus-Jürgen Sembach
€ 12,50
Setting the Scene: The Great Hollywood Art Directors
Robert S. Sennett
€ 12,50
Hollywood's golden year, 1939: a fiftieth anniversary celebration
Ted Sennett
€ 15,00
Warner Brothers Presents. The Most Exciting Years - from The Jazz Singer to White Heat
Ted Sennett
€ 25,00
Risky Business. Rock in Film
R. Serge Denisoff e.a.
€ 45,00
The Picture Palace and other buildings for the movies
Dennis Sharp
€ 75,00
The Rifleman
Christopher Sharrett
€ 15,00
The Big Book of Show Business Awards
David Sheward
€ 12,50
The Hobbit. An unexpected journey. Filmboek
Brian Sibley
€ 7,50
The lord of the rings offical movie guide
Brian Sibley
€ 6,00
Film Noir
Alain Silver e.a.
€ 10,00
David Lean
Stephen M Silverman
€ 10,00
Film, Language, and Conceptual Structures. Thinking Film in the Age of Cognitivism
Jan Simons
€ 15,00
Directors. The All-Time Greats
Neil Sinyard
€ 15,00
Hier is de VARA: 25 jaar democratisch-socialisme in de omroep
M. Sluyser
€ 6,00
Disney A to Z. The Updated Official Encyclopaedia
Dave Smith
€ 15,00
Wallace & Gromit. Cracking Contraptions Manual 2
Derek Smith
€ 10,00
Jim Smith
€ 10,00
The Meryl Streep story
Nick Smurthwaite
€ 10,00
The Two Towers, een WARP special (najaar 2002)
Jürgen Snoeren
€ 5,00
Men in Black: The Script and the Story Behind the Film
Barry Sonnenfeld
€ 10,00
Judy and Liza
James Spada
€ 10,00
Film review 1989-1990
F.M. Speed e.a.
€ 8,00
Blue Angel. The Life of Marlene Dietrich
Donald Spoto
€ 10,00
Te pikant voor televisie 1 & 2: Jerry Springer, een ongecensureerde blik op nooit vertoonde scenes! (twee delen)
Jerry Springer e.a.
€ 10,00
All Talking! All Singing! All Dancing! A Pictorial History of the Movie Musical
John Springer
€ 8,00
Peter Stackpole Life in Hollywood, 1936-1952
Peter Stackpole
€ 12,50
Een liefde tussen oorlog en vrede. De stormachtige relatie tussen Marlene Dietrich en Jean Gabin
Adrian Stahlecker
€ 8,00
Een liefde tussen oorlog en vrede: de stormachtige relatie tussen Marlene Dietrich en Jean Gabin
Adrian Stahlecker
€ 8,00
Hollywood Giganten. Joodse immigranten en de Amerikaanse film
Adrian Stahlecker
€ 6,50
Flesh and Fantasy. The truth behind the fantasy, the fantasy behind the truth
Penny Stallings e.a.
€ 8,00
Africa in the picture. Schetsen van de Afrikaanse cinema
Christa Stevens
€ 5,00
Passages. Joris Ivens en de kunst van deze eeuw
Andre Stufkens
€ 10,00
Linda Sunshine
€ 8,00
Shirley Temple als de kleine kolonel
B.G. de Sylva
€ 15,00
Olivier: The complete career with 182 photographs
Robert Tanitch
€ 15,00
Hollywood, 1940's
John Taylor
€ 8,00
Sam Taylor-Wood
€ 10,00
10 old Danish Movie Flyers
Technicolor e.a.
€ 10,00
Heath Ledger: living by instinct - includes rare, previously unpublished images
Ray Tedman
€ 10,00
Gregory Peck: Seine Filme, sein Leben
Tony Thomas
€ 6,00
Ronald Reagan. The Hollywood Years. The Films of Ronald Reagan
Tony Thomas
€ 20,00
Films of Gene Kelly. Song and Dance Man
Tony Thomas e.a.
€ 10,00
Harold Lloyd
Wolfram Tichy
€ 10,00
Round the Horne: The Complete and Utter History
Barry Took
€ 8,00
Filmgenres. Abenteuerfilm
Bodo Traber e.a.
€ 5,00
The Rolling Stone film reader. The best film writing from Rolling Stone magazinefrom 1967 to 1996
Peter Travers
€ 8,00
Those Fabulous Movie Years: The 30s
Paul Trent
€ 20,00
Hollywood de jaren 50
Adrian Turner
€ 12,00
Classics of the foreign film. A pictorial treasury
Parker Tyler
€ 10,00
Stephen King goes to Hollywood: a lavishly illustrated guide to all the films based on Stephen King's fiction
Tim Underwood e.a.
€ 10,00
Movie Icons: De Niro
James Ursini
€ 6,00
Ustinov's diplomats
Peter Ustinov
€ 5,00
Himalaya: a Film by Eric Valli
Eric Valli e.a.
€ 10,00
Tajan. Affiches de cinema - auction catalogue
€ 10,00
The Host: het officiele boek bij de film
Mark Cotta Vaz
€ 5,00
Bert Haanstra: Het bewogen oog
Dorothee Verdaasdonk e.a.
€ 15,00
Over alles en iedereen
Albert Verlinde
€ 6,00
Audrey Hepburn en Mel Ferrer in de film Oorlog en Vrede
C. Versteegh
€ 5,00
Star Wars. De terugkeer van de Jedi. Het boek van de film
Joan D. Vinge
€ 10,00
Filmgenres. Horrorfilm
Ursula Vossen
€ 5,00
Henny Huisman: Zappen met mezelf
Jan Vriend
€ 5,00
Joop Geesink, poppenfilmproducent. Animatie 1
Tjitte de Vries e.a.
€ 8,00
Young Soviet Film Makers
Jeanne Vronska
€ 15,00
Chronicle of the Cinema. 100 Years of the Movies
Alexander Walker
€ 20,00
Alexander Walker
€ 10,00
King Of Cannes: A Journey into the Underbelly of the Movies
Stephen Walker
€ 8,00
La dolce vita, het zoete leven: naar de gelijknamige film van Federico Fellini
Bob Wallagh
€ 5,00
Alex van Warmerdam
€ 45,00
Mae West: Peel Me a Grape
Joseph Weintraub
€ 8,00
Avantgarde film edition suhrkamp
Peter Weiss
€ 5,00
Leading Men
Julie Welch e.a.
€ 20,00
The Heart Is A Sleeping Beauty: The Million Dollar Hotel
Wim Wenders e.a.
€ 15,00
Cinema en theater (52 afleveringen in band)
Pier Westerbaan
€ 30,00
Ann-Sofi Sidén: In Between the Best of Worlds
Cecilia Widenheim
€ 12,50
Federico Fellini. Ringmaster of dreams 1920-1993
Chris Wiegand
€ 12,50
Steve McQueen's Wanted Dead or Alive Co-Stars From A to Z
David Alan Williams
€ 20,00
The Platinum Years
Bob Willoughby e.a.
€ 8,00
Met je hoofd in de huiskamer. Interviews over de macht van televisie
Paul Witteman
€ 5,00
The World's Great Movie Stars and their Films
Ken Wlaschin
€ 10,00
Arnold Schwarzenegger: a Life on Film
Adrian Wright
€ 8,00
The visible wall: Jews and other ethnic outsiders in Swedish film
Rochelle Wright
€ 15,00
Greta Garbo: ein Mythos in Bildern
Gisela von Wysocki
€ 8,00
50 Classic Motion Pictures
David Zinman
€ 20,00
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